The enemy have us surrounded! they won’t get away this time!!

The enemy have us surrounded! they won’t get away this time!!

The last thing anybody wants to see right now is a rah-rah post. I'm heartbroken. The American people broke my heart. I'm done.


That little voice in the back of my head is still telling me there’s a long game here, that there’s an upside to Trump in the White House without any guardrails. Trump, left to his own devices.

One of the things he had last time around were a bunch of people who stood between us and unknown destruction, but they also cleaned up and put a decent spin on all the outrageous stuff he tried to do, policy-wise. Try their best to inject a sameness into the insanity.

There’s nothing stopping him now. Let’s see how that 100% tariff works out. No tax on tips and overtime sounds great—let’s see how it goes. I'm not an economist, but I've seen The Lion King. I know what the hyenas do when they don’t get fed.

Let him sign that executive order banning tampon commercials. It’s a scientific fact that two narcissists cannot occupy the same space for very long, so Elon will be gone very shortly. Pardon the pun, but I predict he’ll have to throw RFK Jr. to the wolves to backtrack on some ridiculous health policy.

The thing that separates him from the other strongman dictators around the world is that they’re actually strong men. Not strong in an admirable way. They didn’t get where they are today with bone spurs.

Again, this is not a rah-rah post. Things are fucking awful. This is not a post saying we have the upper hand. Cause we're fucked. The next four years are going to suck and I hope we survive it.

There’s a very large chance that he’ll just implode the United States of America before any of this stuff I’ve waxed eloquent about ever comes to pass.

But that little voice…