What went sideways?
Like most of us I'm sitting here wondering what now. Also like most of us I've decided to regurgitate my opinions on the election to the unsuspecting public.
Biden broke bad
The Biden administration broke the social contract they had with America. The plan was we elect Biden for one term. He gets America back on its feet then helps his successor get over the finish line. Somewhere in there he decided to run for a second term. I think that was the first failure point. If they had put the VP out there as heir apparent much sooner she would've had more time to establish a firmer platform OR they would've learned much sooner that she wasn't palatable to the American people and worked on finding a replacement.
There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.
polls are as unreliable these days as Nielsen ratings. At one time they were an accurate reflection on how the country was feeling but the signal to noise ratio has just made it faulty. This also bit Democrats in the ass in 2016. while outside agitators have a harder time stuffing the ballot box. Filling the town square with ringers is fair game.
Woman are the targets of society's frustrations. Misogyny runs deep in this country. Much deeper than anybody wants to admit. I believe more people scoffed at her candidacy because of her gender than her race. While the breath and width of this problem is much larger than I could even possibly begin to address, I'll tell you a little secret, when it comes to functioning in society men need women more than women need men. Hence a piece of the subconscious resentment in some males.
Cult of Immorality
People keep coming back to this and well yes it's low hanging fruit but it's also a point. There are plenty of people out there champing at the bit to vote against their own self interests because they've silenced the little voice telling them it's a bad idea years ago. One of the things that makes being in a cult so attractive is community. then comes the us versus them rhetoric. Being part of this cult gives you an excuse to be the worst version of yourself. A large majority of the voters that put Trump in office were middle-aged white Christians. Those two cults have quite a bit in common.
That's "Zod"
The MAGA movement provides an outlet for the anger and frustration rooted in certain aspects of Christianity. Some of the angriest people I know are Christians, who are taught that if they follow a strict set of rules, good things will happen ( with the catch all caveat that “God’s will works in mysterious ways.”) when they see others in the world, not following the same rigid rules, yet seemingly succeeding, it burns. You can't be angry about God's will or be envious of other people success. That is of course unless you take the extra step of funneling it through the Maga movement. It's the same basic concept of money laundering only for hate. A new way of being shitty in the name of God. While there are subtle differences they both cults share the same steadfast rule. They both eat their wounded.
trying to understand what went wrong is the first step to getting it right next timeI implore you to think about what can be done better next time and not ruminate over what happened last time. there are plenty of things coming up to be mad about, I assure you. No reason to bank anything. plus I think we're all gonna need that emotional bandwith. investing in a crash helmet wouldn't hurt either.